Section Catalog:
It allows to select by default which server to use for access to the GAIA catalogs.
Matching parameters: are modified only in special cases and establish the range before attempting to perform here matching between image and star field taken from catalog
Max Shift: is the maximum shift value in pixels within which the matching perform
Max Tilt: It is the maximum angle of rotation of the image for the attempt to matching. Caution values greater than 2 degrees can generate an excess of " false positives "
Dimention Error : range for the scale factor used by the matching
Speed Ottimization : if the function is enabled the matching is attempted in several steps using rhyme a limited number of stars and gradually a larger number of reference stars , this usually allows to have shorter computation times
Astrometry Step by Step : If the function is activated , during centroidatura and astrometry of the program is interrupted to show each step and is expected to hold a key to continue to the next step . If not activated this function, the program runs without interruption astrometry
High Precision Output Format : (only authorized by the Minor Planet Center ) the measurement is reported to one decimal more than in the standard
Default Orientation:
It is possible to indicate to the program that the images to be loaded are mirrored or upside down.
If this information is not indicated, the program assumes that the orientation is with the North upwards and the East facing left.
Force pixel size (arcsec) you can force the pixel size expressed in arcsec. We recommend using this function when the pixel size information is not present in the file header
Force CCD Rotation
you can force the image rotation. We recommend using this function when the pixel size information is not present in the file header
MPC File Header
These fields must be completed to allow you to create a header file ready to send to the Minor Planet Center , the header is created as a file named header.mpc and used only the first time you create a file type .mpc If the measures are added to a file .mpc existing header is not changed
Is very important to indicate the observatory code.